Release of “Make Dunia” EP by Stracho Temelkovski

EP Make Dunia cover

With two previously unreleased remixes, Stracho offers new insight into his latest album, The Sound Braḱa.

With Make Dunia (version trio), builds a musical bridge between oriental melody and African dance. He imagines, in music, a trip on his grandfather’s cart to Novo Selo near Strumica in Macedonia, his roots’ country. In this trio version, he invites Jean-Charles Richard (saxophone) and Jean-François Baëz (accordion) to join him for a cosmopolitan journey!

With Odimé siné (Theo and Pap’s mix), Stracho offers a spiritual journey. With the unique sound of the mandole, it recalls the great outdoors and the serenity that emanates from it. It poetically recounts the memory of a father and son under an aurora borealis: a simple tribute to their eternal love.

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